~Today is Thursday, February 9, 2023

~Day 5

All Team S and Team WMS Students traveling to Wellesley High School, please report to your advisory classrooms at 9:28am (period 3).  Teachers please take attendance at this time. Students and teachers will then walk to the buses which will be located on Donizetti.

Our 8th grade chorus will be performing at the Choral Step Up Concert tonight in the Wellesley High School Auditorium. If you were thinking about taking chorus at the high school level, this is a great concert to attend to help you learn more about the WHS chorus community. The concert starts at 7 pm and it’s free!

6th graders: Your course selection is due this Friday, Feb. 10th. You are to pick your elective choice and have your parent or guardian sign the verification form. Please see your school counselor with questions. 

8th graders: Counselors will be in Civics classes tomorrow, Friday, February 10th to review course selection for Grade 9. Signs will be posted outside Civics classrooms that morning, instructing you which room to attend. 

Today teachers will be in meetings after school so students must plan to leave the building at the bell. The only exception is play rehearsal. Students who are called should meet the choreographer in the Auditorium directly after school.

The answer to yesterday’s STARS Black History Month trivia question is Sarah Goode. Sarah Goode was the first African American woman to receive a patent for inventing the folding bed in 1885.  

Today’s STARS Black History Month question is: 

Who became the first African American to graduate from Harvard University? 

A.  Charles Hamilton Houston   

B. W.E.B. Du Bois      

C. Thurgood Marshall       

D. Richard Theodore Greener 

If you think you know the answer, come down to the main office to make your guess. Stay tuned tomorrow for the answer and a new question.

Have a good day everyone!

Daily Announcements
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