~Today is Friday, February 17, 2023
~Day 5
The library will be closed after school today.
8th graders: Your 9th grade course selection appointment schedules with counselors are posted outside of the Counseling Suite. Schedules will also be displayed on the monitor outside of the main office. Please take a look at your convenience and put your appointment on your calendar.
The answer to yesterday’s STARS Black History Month question is Robert Henry Lawrence, Jr. Robert Henry Lawrence, Jr. was the first African American astronaut in 1967.
The winner of this week’s STARS trivia contest is Colin Stokes from Advisory 113. Colin, please come to the main office to claim your prize.
Thank you to everyone who made guesses this week.
Today’s STARS Black History Month fact is: Carter Godwin Woodson was one of the first scholars to value and study Black History. Dr. Woodson is known as the Father of Black History.
Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be observing starting next Wednesday, February 22? On Wednesday the Christian observance of Lent begins.
Lent begins 40 days before Easter on Ash Wednesday. You may see some people wearing ashes on their foreheads to be reminded that we are only on this earth temporarily and that it is our spirit/soul that hopes for eternal life. Lent today is meant to prepare your spirit for Easter by making sacrifices (usually giving up something you enjoy eating or doing), asking forgiveness, and prayer. People who observe Lent often do not eat meat on Fridays during these 40 days.
There are students and faculty at WMS who will be observing this holiday. We wish all people at WMS observing this holiday a peaceful Lenten season.
We are still looking for submissions for the Mini Marathon T-Shirt Contest. If you are looking for a creative outlet over the break, think about what you would like your 6th & 7th Grade marathon t-shirt, and 8th grade t-shirt to look like. It must be an original design on
8 1/2 x 11″ paper. Bring it to the Main Office. We are excited to see what you come up with!
Have a good day everyone!