~Today is Wednesday, May 10, 2023

~Day 4

The library is being used for MCAS testing and will be closed all day today and tomorrow to all students and faculty/staff. 

Best Buddies will be meeting today after school in the FDR.

Students in grades 7 and 8:  the second session of Math MCAS tomorrow allows you to use a scientific calculator.  If you have your own calculator, please remember to bring it from home tomorrow.  Math teachers do not have enough calculators to give every student one, so there is no guarantee you will be able to borrow one from your teacher.  There is a scientific calculator embedded in test-Nav, so you will have access to one no matter what, but if you want a hand-held one, the best bet is to bring yours from home tomorrow. 

All students, please remember to charge your iPads and bring them to school tomorrow for the Math MCAS Test. Unless you have been notified otherwise, all students should report to their Advisory classrooms during Period 1 to take the test. 

The Helping Hands Club will have an important meeting after school today in Room 229.  We will be bagging up all the donations for Totes of Hope.  Club members: feel free to bring a friend or two along – many hands make light work!

We are extending the deadline for the grade 8 class banner to Friday May 19th.  All submissions should be an original creation on 8 ½ x 11” paper and dropped off in the Main Office.  Any questions, stop by or speak with your art teacher.​​​​​​​

Have a good day everyone!

Daily Announcements
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