~Today is Tuesday, October 31, 2023, Day 6

~Block rotation: C, A, B, Advisory, D, G, E, F

~Lunch: 6, 8, 7

The Beading Club is canceled today, but will meet again next Tuesday, November 7th.

Magic the Gathering Club is canceled today, but will meet again next Tuesday, November 7th.

We know many of you are excited about your plans to be out this evening. Please remember to stay focused during the school day today all the way until dismissal.  We do want you to have fun this evening and be safe and aware of your surroundings.

Tomorrow is a half day. Teachers will be in a Faculty meeting so all students must leave the building at 11:21. There will be no Wellesley late bus. If you are a Boston student, you must return by 1:20 for the 1:30 bus departure.  If you return a bit early, please check in with the main office.​​​​​​​

Have a good day everyone!

Daily Announcements
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