~Today is Wednesday, November 22, 2023

~Block rotation: Advisory; Promenades: 7, 8, 6; Advisory 

~Lunch: No lunch​​​​​​​

Congratulations to the Town of Wellesley Youth Football 6th grade team for defeating Natick 19-0 in the Super Bowl on Saturday!  This is a huge accomplishment and the boys’ dedication, strong work ethic, sportsmanship, commitment and Raider pride truly represented Wellesley well! The boys are being honored at halftime of the High School game on Thanksgiving! Come cheer them on as they get to run the field as a team with the Super Bowl trophy! 

The WMS Drama Department is excited to announce auditions for the winter musical, Newsies! Auditions will take place on Tuesday, December 12 and Wednesday, December 13 and are open to all students. Please see the poster on the drama bulletin board, outside room 363, for more information.

Today is a half day. All students must leave the building at 11:21. 

The library will be closed after school today.

There will be no late buses.

I would also like to acknowledge that today is the running of our 27th annual Turkey Promenade. Over many years, WMS has engaged in a tradition of giving to those in need. As we have, our Wellesley community will be donating to the Wellesley Food Pantry and Voices Against Violence. Both are organizations that use our donations to help people and families during challenging times. I want to thank all staff, students and families for participating and the many donations collected as part of this day. I want to thank our Fitness and Health Department for their ongoing efforts to organize and make this day possible. It’s an important day for WMS and those we serve. Today, we are all part of something bigger than ourselves. 

WMS will be closed tomorrow and Friday in observance of Thanksgiving and next Monday, staff have a professional development day, so no students should be at school either on that day. We will resume as a full community with a routine school day on Tuesday, November 28. It is a Day 3 and we will start with Block C.

Enjoy the break and continue to show gratitude in your life and towards others.

Daily Announcements
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