~Today is Tuesday, February 27, 2024, Day 2

~Block rotation: B, C, A, Advisory, D, F, G, E

~Lunch: 6, 8, 7

8th Graders: Middle and High School Counselors will be meeting with all 8th graders during English classes today to review 9th Grade Course Selection. Please see signs posted outside your English classrooms. 

Just a reminder that Grade 8 students on Teams M & W will be going to Wellesley High School tomorrow morning for an informational presentation and tour. 

Come support our 8th grade Chorus members at tonight’s Choral Step Up Concert at Wellesley High School.  You will hear a Taylor Swift medley sung by over 250 people and see all the WHS singing groups available to you when it’s your turn to move to the High School.  The concert is at 7 pm and it’s free!

Gratitude cards will be available during all lunches today through Friday, March 1st.  Send a little thanks to your teachers, school counselors, librarians, nurses, custodians, or any other adult in the building with a live serenade by 7th grade Chorus members!  

Intramural badminton will be in Gym A today after school and intramural basketball will be in Gym B.

The DEI Council will be meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, February 28th after school from 2:30-3:30 in Mr. Goldman’s room (Room 101).

Anyone interested in signing up for the fencing program can pick up a sign-up form on the intramural board or in the main office. All forms need to be turned into Mr. Johnson no later than March 13th.  Any questions, please see Mr. Johnson.

The answer to yesterday’s Black History month trivia is Shirley Chisholm who became the first major-party Black candidate for President of the United States in 1972. 

Today’s question is: Which historically Black college did Booker T. Washington lead. If you think you know the answer, come down to the main office to submit your answer. Tomorrow, we will reveal the answer and ask a new question. A winner will be drawn at the end of the week.

Have a good day everyone!

Daily Announcements
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