~Today is Friday, May 17, 2024, Day 6

~Block rotation: G, E, F, Advisory, D, C, A, B

(Note: order of Blocks are switched due to MCAS)

~Lunch: 6, 8, 7

MCAS Science Session II is today for Grade 8 only. The testing period will last from approximately 7:45 – 10:30 a.m. No iPads should be used outside of the test itself. Please keep time outside of the classroom (e.g. bathroom breaks) to an absolute minimum. 

Grades 6 and 7: please be silent in the halls when passing between periods.

The library is closed this morning for MCAS testing.

GSA is canceled today during all three lunches, but will meet again on Tuesday, May 28th.

Quiet lunch will meet in Room 208B today. 

Congratulations to the cast and crew on an incredible opening night performance of the spring play Eclipse! If you didn’t catch it last night, you have one more chance to see it tonight at 7:00pm. Admission is free. Don’t miss it!

Attention all 8th graders! You have just one week left to submit your design submissions for the 8th Grade Banner which are due next Friday, May 24th. Details are on the Main Office bulletin board. We will be holding auditions on Thursday, May 23rd from 2:30 – 3:30 pm in the Auditorium for Grade 8 students who are interested in performing at the June 13th Completion Assembly.  Please sign up in the Main Office for an audition slot. If you are interested, but you have concerns and/or conflicts with the date, please let us know. Come prepared to perform your song and/or musical instrument. If you have questions, see Ms. Connors, Mr. Adams, or the Main Office.

Have a good day everyone!


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