~Today is Monday, December 9, 2024, Day 5
~Block rotation: B, C, A, Advisory, D, F, G, E
~Lunch: 6, 8, 7
Attention 7th graders: Counselors will be doing a SEED lesson on career exploration today during Science classes. Signs will be posted outside Science classrooms instructing you where to go for the lesson.
Auditions for The Drowsy Chaperone, Jr. begin today! If you are auditioning today, please go to Room 400 right after school. Break a leg!
Picture retakes and makeups with Coffee Pond will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, December 10th. If you are getting your picture retaken, please bring the original packet you received to the photo shoot.
For 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls interested in playing on the WMS Ice Hockey team this winter, there will be another meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, December 10th after school in the cafeteria with Coach Campbell.
Have a good day everyone!
- Daily Announcements
- Daily Announcements