~Today is Friday, March 21, 2025, Day 4

~Block rotation: A, B, C, Advisory, D, E, F, G

~Lunch: 6, 8, 7

Congratulations to the cast and crew of The Drowsy Chaperone, Jr. on an incredible opening night! You’ve got three more chances to see this show – tonight at 7:00 and tomorrow at 2:00 and 7:00. Students, if you plan on attending without an adult chaperone, you must sit in the student section monitored by an administrator. Cell phones must be turned off during the performances and all trash needs to be disposed of after the show. And if you can’t get enough theatre, consider auditioning for the spring play! Auditions are next week, and everyone who auditions will be cast! Please see the poster outside the Drama room for more info and to sign up.

7th graders: Counselors will visit English classes on Monday, March 24th to discuss 8th Grade Course Selection. Please see signs posted outside English classrooms instructing you where to go for the lesson. 

Everyone who signed up for the intramural fencing program was accepted into the program. It will start next Tuesday, March 25th in Gym B at 2:30. 

Attention WMS 7th Graders, are you interested in taking the Rock Band Elective next year? If so, please sign up for the 1st official “Rock Band Skills Showcase”! The Skills Showcase is a short individual performance in which you will demonstrate your skills on a Rock Band instrument for Mr. Thompson. The showcase will be held in Room 333 next week during 7th Grade Lunch (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) and before school on Wednesday and Thursday (7:10 – 7:40). The showcase will also be held after school from 2:30 – 3:00 on Monday and Tuesday. Instruments will be provided. If you are interested, please scan the QR code posted outside of the Main Office and Counseling Office, fill out the Google form, and sign up for a showcase time. We hope to see you there!  

Planning has begun for the annual WMS Mini Marathon in May. Part of the planning is creating t-shirts that students will wear during the run. We are looking for a 6th and 7th grade design and an 8th grade design. The 8th grade t-shirts will also have all your names on the back and will be worn for the end of year activities.  Submissions must be an original design on 8 1⁄2” x 11” paper and dropped off at the Main Office by Friday, March 28th. Any questions, stop by the Main Office, or speak with your Art teacher.

There will be no late bus to Boston today. All students from Boston need to take the 2:30 pm bus.

Have a good day everyone!

Daily Announcements