~Today is Tuesday October 26th. and it’s day 6 .

~Period 5 Study Hall will be in Rm 210.

~The Fire alarm will be tested today so if you smell or see anything please call the Main Office.

~No cross country practice today.

~”STARS, which stands for Students Talking About Race Skillfully, will meet after school today from 2:30 – 3:25 pm in Room 210.  Come and hear different opinions on interesting issues!  We might have candy.”   

~Attention students interested in D&D club: please fill out the Google form Ms. Cohen sent out over gmail if you are still interested in playing. If you did not receive the form, please 

reach out to Ms. Cohen”

~The Maker Club will meet today in room 300 after school

~Tuesday Jazz Band with Mr. Adams is cancelled for this afternoon. Rehearsal will resume next week.  

~Lunch will be inside today!  Please everyone go to your designated locations.

~Please have your child bring at least 2 masks to school. Disposable masks are in demand and we only have a limited supply. 

Thank you everyone and enjoy your day!!

Daily Announcements
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