~Today is Wednesday October 27th. and it’s day 1 .


~WMS’s Gay Straight Alliance club meets today at lunch AND after school.

6-7th graders will report to Room 203 for lunch, and 8th graders will go to room 330.

After school, all are welcome in room 203 for GSA! Hope to see you there!

If you have any questions, please see Ms. Hannon, Ms. Neptune, Ms. Graham, or Ms. Gabrielson.


~The Video Announcement Club will have their first meeting today, from 2:30-3:30 in the Library Conference Room


~Friendship club is meeting today after school in the FDR.  It will be a great chance to connect with other students through games and other fun activities.”


~Lunch will be inside today!  Please everyone go to your designated locations. 


~Please have your child bring at least 2 masks to school.  Disposable masks are in demand and we only have a limited supply.


Thank you everyone and enjoy your day!!

Daily Announcements
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