~Today is Thursday, December 9, 2021 

~Day 3

~8th Grade girls who registered and are cleared for the middle school basketball team will have tryouts today at 3:30PM-5PM in Gym A.  If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. Faherty or Ms. Sullivan.

~Announcing WMS Spirit Week!!! In order to have a little fun before our winter break, we have decided to have a spirit week for the Week of December 13th – 17th. Please see flyers posted throughout the school for more information.

~Do you write, draw, or design? Have you been working on something that you’d like to share with a larger audience? Well, the WMS Literary Magazine is currently accepting submissions until January 7th for the next issue entitled “I’m here, yet my mind is somewhere else.” Any work can be submitted to the magazine by placing a hard copy in the Literary Magazines submission folder located on the door of room 215 or by email through the WMS website. The literary staff looks forward to seeing your work!” 

~Intramural activities today are Badminton in Gym A and The Fitness Center.  Please look on the intramural Bulletin Board for more information.  If you would like to participate in intramurals please send Mr. Johnson an email.  Activities are starting to get full. If you just show up, it is possible that the activity might be at capacity and you cannot participate. You can find Mr Johnson’s email address on the intramural board outside of the cafeteria. 

~Lunch will be  indoors today

Thank you everyone and enjoy your day!

Daily Announcements
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