~Today is Wednesday March 2, 2022 

~Day 2

Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be observing starting today?  Today begins the Christian observance of Lent. 

Lent begins 40 days before Easter on Ash Wednesday. You may see some students and faculty wearing ashes on their foreheads to be reminded that we are only on this earth temporarily and that it is our spirit/soul that hopes for eternal life. Lent today is meant to prepare your spirit for Easter by making sacrifices (usually giving up something you enjoy eating or doing), asking forgiveness, and prayer. People who observe Lent often do not eat meat on Fridays during these 40 days. 

There are students and faculty at WMS who will be observing this holiday.  We wish all people at WMS observing this holiday a peaceful Lenten season. 

Students who signed up for the SPRING session of Dungeons and Dragons please check your email for a message from Ms. Cohen.  Please read and respond to the email ASAP.  If you did not receive an email and believe you signed up for Spring Dungeon and Dragons,  please reach out to Ms. Cohen before Monday’s session.


Today is an early release day.  Students need to leave the building when the final bell rings.  Teachers will be in department meetings and will be unavailable to meet with students. For all those students who will be heading downtown please remember to be considerate and mindful as you visit restaurants and shops. It’s important as you are representing yourself and all of us at Wellesley Middle School.


Have a good day everyone!

Daily Announcements
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