~Today is Wednesday March 16, 2022 

~Day 6

The MCAS Practice test will be delayed this morning.  However All students should be in Advisory rooms NOW prepared to take the MCAS Practice Test.  We will let you know when to begin.

Attention 7th grade students… Beginning today, those of you who normally eat lunch in the classroom will go to the cafeteria to eat.  Those of you who eat lunch in the gym will continue to have lunch in the gym. 

8th graders, there are some courses offered on Power School that you may not be able to select.  If this has happened to you or you have had any other issues please email your counselor. Course selection for you is due Thursday March 17th.

8th graders interested in playing on the WMS Tennis Team this spring, there will be a 10 minute meeting today after school with Mr. Crowe in Rm. 137.

Don’t forget to purchase your Frozen Jr. tickets. You will find the link on the Frozen Posters around school. Also, there will be auditions next Tuesday and Wednesday for the 2022 one act.  For more info please visit the WMS Drama website or check the bulletin board outside the Drama Room.

Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be celebrating?  Today is the Jewish celebration of Purim. 

Purim celebrates the story of how Esther saved the Jews from the wicked Haman who wanted to kill the Jews in ancient Persia. People celebrate by reading the story of Esther, wearing costumes, and eating special triangular cookies called a hamantaschen which is shaped like Haman’s hat. 

There are students at WMS who will be observing this holiday.  We wish all people at WMS observing this holiday, Happy Holidays!

Have a Great Day Everyone!!

Daily Announcements
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