~Today is Friday March 18, 2022 

~Day 2

Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be celebrating?  Today begins the Hindu celebration of Holi. 

Holi is also known as the Festival of Colors and is an annual festival celebrated on the day after the full moon in the Hindu month of Phalguna (early March). Holi is a symbol of the triumph of good over evil. It marks the start of spring and is also celebrated to give thanks for a good harvest. The festival revolves around putting color on each others’ faces and indulging in sweet delicacies that are made on this day. 

There are students at WMS who will be observing this holiday.  We wish all people at WMS observing this holiday, Happy Holi!

The results of the second  Historical Heroes: Science Strong bracket are in……

Alexa Canaday proved to be a “smooth operator”, dominating her matchup with Temple Grandin, 70%-30%. Voting is still open for Day 3 and 4 today.

8th graders interested in playing on the WMS Softball team there will be a meeting after school in Rm 243 at 2:30 on Monday March 21st.  Please bring your iPad and pencil. All are welcome!

Any questions please see Coach Buckheit.

Congrats to the Frozen, Jr. cast on an awesome opening night!  There are three more shows – the “Fro” cast tonight at 7:00p.m. and again tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. and finishing  with the Zen cast on Saturday at 7p.m.  Purchase your tickets at the door! Have you been thinking about auditioning for the spring 2022 one-acts!  Auditions are next Tuesday and Wednesday, so visit the WMS Drama website for audition info, or check the bulletin board outside the drama room

Have a Great Day Everyone!!

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