~Today is Monday March 28, 2022 

~Day 2

(Drama classes that need to be moved)

Period 4 Drama Class – please move to Room 245

Period 5 Drama Class – please to Room 333

(Music Classes that need to be moved) 

Period 6 Music Class -please move to Room 309

Period 7 Music Class – please move to Room 204

~Students: Remember to charge your iPads tonight for our ELA MCAS tests tomorrow.  Please report to your Advisory when you come to school.  Get a good night sleep and bring a healthy snack to help you do your best.  After we announce the ending of MCAS we will resume with our normal schedule.

~Don’t forget to purchase a Teachertine or two during lunch! 7th Grade Chorus members will deliver your card and sing a song of thanks to any adult in the WMS building.  The last day to buy a ‘tine is  tomorrow Tuesday March 29th

~It’s time to order your students’ yearbook.  Please refer to the link for more information.WMS yearbook online ordering.pdf 

Have a Great Day Everyone!

Daily Announcements
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