~Today is Wednesday March 30, 2022 

~Day 4

~Remember we are beginning the day in Advisory. Ms. Gordon will come on the PA @8:00 a.m. to begin the MCAS testing.  After we announce the ending of MCAS we will resume with our normal schedule. Students, make sure your water bottles are filled. Teachers, please keep all students in class till Ms. Gordon lets you know that MCAS are over.  Please do not send students for water as there is testing in the cafeteria as well.

~Remember that today we will be eating lunch in our original locations, classrooms, cafeteria and gym B. Teachers, we shared the lunch document with all of you yesterday. Please remind your students about where they should be during lunch.

~7th Graders…. Your course selection for grade 8 is due this Friday April 1. If you have any questions, see your counselor. 

Have a Great Day Everyone!

Daily Announcements
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