~Today is Friday April 1, 2022 

~Day 6

~Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be celebrating this month? This evening begins the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. 

Ramadan is one of the most important holidays of the Muslim calendar.  During Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink from one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset.  Fasting is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. It is also an important time to spend with family. 

There are students at WMS who will be observing Ramadan this month. We wish all people at WMS observing this holiday “Ramadan kareem” or “Ramadan Mubarak.” 

~For those students fasting for Ramadan please go to the following classrooms for lunch.

Ms. Holcomb Room #221 for grades 6 and 7

Mr. Harvey Rm #216 for grade 8

This year’s Day of Silence has been scheduled for Friday, April 8th. WMS’ Gay- Straight Alliance sponsors the Day of Silence, a day to recognize the silencing of the LGBTQ community in our society. Students who choose to participate remain silent all day to show their support. Look next week for more info. 

~Softball tryouts will begin on Monday, April 4th. Please see Mr. Buckheit’s website for more details.

~Its that time to order your students yearbook.Please refer to the link for more information.WMS yearbook online ordering.pdf 

Have a Great Day Everyone!

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