~Today is Thursday April 28, 2022 

~Day 1

Today is Mini Marathon Day!

This event is intended to bring health, joy and spirit to our school.  We’ve held this event for over 20 years and we’re happy to bring it back. Thank you to our Fitness and Health Department for all their hard work on preparing for this day.  Let’s have a great Mini Marathon together!

~All students should be in their Advisory classrooms now to receive numbers for the marathon.  

~The bells will be turned off this morning and students will go to periods 1 & 2 when announced.  During period 2, students will be called to the field by grade.  Those students who are not participating in the marathon will report to their Advisory classroom. 

~The marathon will begin at 10:00 a.m.  Students will report to period 4 classes when the marathon is over.  The bells will be turned on to start the rest of the periods – 5 thru 7.

The WMS 6th Grade Chorus will be performing with the Wellesley Choral Society on Sunday at 3pm at the Wellesley Hills Congregational Church.  The choirs will combine for a multigenerational concert and some of the songs will be accompanied by orchestra!  You can purchase tickets by visiting the Wellesley Choral Society’s website or just ask Miss Connors.

Today is the last day to order a yearbook.  If you have any questions please email Ms. Steinberg and Ms. Martell!!

Have a great day Everyone!


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