~Today is Wednesday May 4, 2022 

~Day 5

Our 8th grade chorus will be joining the Wellesley High School Choirs for the Choral Step Up Concert tomorrow night at WHS.  If you are thinking about enrolling in chorus at the high school, this is a great way to see what types of music each of the choirs sing.  The Concert starts at 7 and it’s free!

Congratulations to the students of the WMS Jazz bands for their performance at last night’s Jazz Step-Up Concert! It was an excellent night of music and bravo to all of the students for a wonderful performance. 

Attention all 8th graders…. We are looking for students to submit an original design for the class banner, which also serves as the cover to the grade 8 completion ceremony program.   If you have any questions please stop by the Main Office.  All submissions due May 13th.

Today is an Early Release Day.  It will be an odd day schedule.The day will begin with Period 1 and no Advisory.  Please plan on leaving the school at the last bell.  There will be no club meetings and Intramurals are canceled.  Teachers will not be available to meet due to department meetings.  For those students heading downtown please remember to be considerate and mindful as you visit shops and restaurants.  Which means not crowding patrons when others are shopping and cleaning up after yourselves when finished eating.  Also, throw away all trash so as not to litter the street. It’s important as you are representing yourself and all of us at Wellesley Middle School.

Have a Great Day Everyone!

Daily Announcements
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