~Today is Thursday December 8th, 2022 

~Day 3

Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be celebrating today? Today is the Buddhist holiday of Bodhi Day. 

Bodhi Day is the day to remember the search for Nirvana. In many Buddhist countries people decorate their homes and trees with lights to signify the many pathways that can lead to enlightenment. Many Buddhist will recite the five precepts on Bodhi day to help reaffirm their belief and conviction towards the path of enlightenment. 

There are students at WMS who observed this holiday.  We wish all people at WMS who observed this holiday, peace.

Just a reminder today is Picture Retake day. Period 1 is grade 7 Period 2 is grade 8 and Period 3 is grade 6.  Please listen for the PA announcement as to when you will have your turn to go.  If  you have your original picture please bring it with you.  If you don’t have them that is ok you can still can have your picture taken

Have a great day!

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