~Today is Wednesday December 14, 2022 


Congratulations to all of the students in Grades 6, 7, and 8 Concert Bands. They performed a fabulous concert last night and sounded wonderful. Bravo to all students for their hard work and dedication. 

Attention students! The GSA club will meet after school today in Room 203.  Hope to see you there! 

All Students auditioning for Fiddler on the Roof should please report to the auditorium right after school.

Do you write, draw, or design? Have you been working on something that you’d like to share with a larger audience? Well, the WMS Literary Magazine is currently accepting submissions until January 13th for the next issue entitled “What if Everything Turned Upside Down.” Any work can be submitted to the magazine by placing a hard copy in the Literary Magazines submission folder located on the door of room 215 or by email through the WMS website. The literary staff looks forward to seeing your work!” 

There will be a Faculty Meeting after school tomorrow. Teachers and staff will not be available for students, so you must plan to leave the building at the end of the day.

Don’t forget Best Buddies today after school in the Faculty Dining Room. 

Don’t forget to check out the lost & found.  We will be donating clothing over the holiday break.​​​​​​​

Have a great day!

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