~Today is Friday, September 15, 2023

~Day 6; block rotation: C, A, B, Advisory, D, G, E, F

~Lunch: 6, 8, 7

For 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing soccer this fall, there will be an informational meeting today after school in the cafeteria. Please come to the main office with any questions.

The library will be closed after school today.

For those students who get to school early and want to do something fun, please consider helping out as a Pass Deliverer. Pass Deliverers report to the counseling suite in the morning, pick up passes and deliver them to classrooms. Please email or see your counselor if interested.

We are seeking 8th graders who are interested in serving as tour guides on back to school night, Thursday, September 28th. Students who are interested should submit their names to the main office no later than Wednesday, September 20th and names will be drawn the following day.

The Performing Arts Department is excited to announce the formation of a new Rock Band Club!  This club is open to all students in Grades 6-8 who are interested in playing, creating and learning about Rock music.  Students who play piano, guitar, drum set, and bass are encouraged to participate, but the club is open to all instrumentalists and vocalists.  If you are interested in learning more or being part of this new group, please stop by the main office and sign no later than this Friday, September 15th. 

Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be celebrating this weekend?  Tonight begins the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. It is celebrated for either 1 or 2 days, beginning at sundown the night before. Apples and honey are shared symbolizing hopes for a sweet new year. Rosh Hashanah also begins the 10 most holy days in the Jewish year. You can wish someone a “sweet new year” or a “good new year.”  There are students and staff at WMS who will be observing this holiday.  We wish all people at WMS observing this holiday, a “sweet new year” or a “good new year,” or in Hebrew, “L’Shana Tovah.”  ​​​​​​​

Have a good day everyone!

Daily Announcements
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