~Today is Friday, May 10, 2024, Day 1

~Block rotation: Advisory, A, B, E, C, D, F, G 

(Note: order of Blocks are switched due to MCAS)

~Lunch: 6, 7, 8

MCAS Session II for Math is today. The testing period will last from approximately 7:45-10:30 a.m. No iPads should be used outside of the test itself. Please keep time outside of the classroom (e.g. bathroom breaks) to an absolute minimum. Bells will be turned off all day except for the lunch period, due to our schedule being shortened periods.

Attention 8th graders: if you would like to order a Panorama photo, orders must be placed by next Wednesday, May 15th. There are posters with QR codes in the hallways and in the main office to make a purchase. 

Have a good day everyone!


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