~Today is Monday, February 24, 2025, Day 3
~Block rotation: C, A, B, Advisory, D, G, E, F
~Lunch: 6, 7, 8
8th graders: Tomorrow, counselors will be teaching High School course selection during Math class. Please see signs posted outside of Math classrooms instructing you where to go for the lesson.
The winners of the first two weeks of Black HIstory month trivia are Patrick Swope of Advisory 113 and Chloe Pastore of Advisory 226. Patrick and Chloe please come to the main office to claim your prize. Today’s question is: Which state has the most Black Americans living in it? If you think you know the answer, please come down to the main office to make your guess. Winners for this week will be chosen on Friday. Stay tuned tomorrow for the answer and another question.
The WMS French Fête is coming up on March 12, and we’re looking for students whose families have connections to the French-speaking world. If YOU or YOUR FAMILY have a connection to a place like Haiti, Senegal, Quebec, or Morocco, you’re invited to sponsor an activity table about that place. Please see or email Madame Blouwolff this week for more information.
The bus to Boston will leave at 3:30 today. The late bus in Wellesley also leaves at 3:30. All students need to listen for the PA announcement for their departure from WMS.
Have a good day everyone!
- Daily Announcements
- Daily Announcements