~Today is Tuesday, March 25, 2025, Day 6
~Block rotation: C, A, B, Advisory, D, G, E, F
~Lunch: 6, 7, 8
A reminder that auditions for the spring play, Soundscapes, begin tomorrow! This is your last opportunity this year to participate in a show, and it’s the perfect opportunity for non-singers and dancers to participate! All students auditioning must join the Google Classroom, sign up for an audition time, have a caregiver fill out a contract, and prepare a one-minute monologue. For more information, see the posters outside the Drama room or speak with Ms. Speed.
Attention 7th graders who are interested in taking the Rock Band Elective next year. Please sign up for the 1st official “Rock Band Skills Showcase”! The Skills Showcase is a short individual performance where you will demonstrate your skills on a rock band instrument for Mr. Thompson. The showcase will be held in Room 333 this week Monday through Thursday. Please scan the QR code in the main office or counseling office, and fill out the Google form to sign up for a showcase time. Instruments will be provided and we hope to see you there!
We’re still looking for t-shirt ideas for the 6th and 7th grade, and 8th grade. We’re hoping to get more options, especially from our 8th graders. Please consider working on an idea this week and bringing it to the Main Office by Friday.
The intramural fencing program starts today after school in Gym B.
6th grade students in Ms. Moore’s tutoring program, please report directly to the library after school today.
The bus to Boston will leave at 3:30 today. The late bus in Wellesley also leaves at 3:30. All students need to listen for the PA announcements for their departure from WMS.
Have a good day everyone!
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- Daily Announcements