Morning Announcements for Thursday, November 30, 2017


Ms. Fine’s 4th period Drama class will meet in room #363 with Ms. Sullivan’s class in room 363.

8th grade assembly – 4th period in auditorium.

*Attn Math Team members: Today we have a meet at Meadowbrook School in Weston. Please come to room 308 after school so that we can meet as a team

and board the bus as quickly as possible.

*Chinese Culture Club will meet this Thursday after school in room 249.

LOST AND FOUND – Misplaced your North Face jacket? Lost your umbrella or favorite water bottle? If so, then please check out the giant

Lost & Found collection found in the cafeteria. After tomorrow all items will be donated.

ELF, Jr.: 

Come support Come support the 7th and 8th graders in the musical, Elf, Jr.  Performances are today at 4:30, tomorrow at 7:00 and Saturday at 2:00 and 7:00. 

Please don’t forget to bring an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots! 

* The BRCC Barton Road Community Center WMS Tutoring Program runs today from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.   Please come and work on your assignments with

support from your teachers!


Unfortuntely, the Wellesley Adapted Sports program is cancelled today.


WMS Boys’ Basketball tryouts will start on Monday, December 4.


Open Gym = Gym B and the Fitness Center is open.

Daily Announcements