Schofield School

Go Hawks
Dear Schofield Families,
I hope this message finds you well as we move through the month of March. It’s a busy time of year with performances, MCAS testing, field trips and special events. I will do my best to keep our community informed along the way.
Staff Placement Process for the 2024-2025 School Year
This year, due to the closure of Upham Elementary School and a reduction in classroom sections, the elementary principals are following a district process that will ensure that teachers with Professional Teacher Status or PTS (more than 3 consecutive years teaching in Wellesley) have positions within their certification. This is something they are entitled to per the Wellesley Education Association’s (WEA) Collective Bargaining Agreement.
This district process requires principals to consider positions that are currently being held by staff with Non-Professional Teacher Status or NPTS (fewer than 3 consecutive years of teaching in Wellesley) vacant positions. Here at Schofield, we have two fourth grade “vacant positions.” Once PTS teachers have secured new positions, then the NPTS teachers will have an opportunity to apply and interview for any remaining positions within the district. Our hope is to move quickly so that we don’t risk losing some of our very talented educators to surrounding districts.
As a school principal, I take the responsibility of making decisions about staffing very seriously so that we can make sure the most qualified educators are working with our students. I will be working closely with a team here at Schofield comprised of classroom teachers, a special educator, instructional coaches and a district central office staff member to make sure we are making decisions with our students’ best interest in mind. As I have more information to share, I will do so as I know this community cares deeply about the educators who care deeply about their children.
While there are still some unknowns at Schofield, I can share at this time that Mrs. Morris is retiring after a long career and many years of dedication to the Schofield community. She has had an incredible impact on so many students over the years and will be truly missed here at Schofield. With the reduction of sections in first grade, Mrs. Bergeron will be moving to kindergarten, a grade she loves and has taught for several years, to work alongside Mrs. Hood.
This district process has been shared with all staff and I have engaged in more frequent conversations with staff members who are directly impacted. I recognize that uncertainty and change for some of our staff can be unsettling. I look forward to wrapping up this process and sharing more with our community toward the end of April. As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
MCAS Testing
The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) is scheduled to take place in March, April and May for students in third, fourth and fifth grade. Our fifth graders will kick off the testing on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. This is part of our ongoing efforts to assess student progress and ensure every student is reaching their full potential. While it is an important measure, it is just one of many tools we use to gauge student progress and achievement. Assessments of this nature can sometimes bring about stress or anxiety but we have confidence in our students’ readiness. Please join us in helping them stay relaxed and reminding them to give their very best effort.
Upcoming Hawk Talk
I have rescheduled the March 15th Hawk Talk (parent coffee) for Wednesday, April 3rd at 8:45AM in the Schofield Library. I would be happy to talk more about the staff placement process, MCAS or any other topics that may be on your mind.
I am looking forward to seeing many of you at Family Dodgeball Night tonight at Schofield. Go easy on me!
Have a wonderful weekend.
- Schofield Scoop 3.15.24
- Schofield Scoop 3.29.24