I am honored and humbled to be joining the Schofield Community as the new principal.  In my short time here, I am already seeing what an incredibly special community exists here.

The Schofield spirit is tenacious in the support of all children and families. With our mascot being the Hawk, we often see it illustrated holding a STAR, which is an acronym for our school values of being Safe, Thoughtful, Accepting, Respectful.  As early as Kindergarten we inculcate our children with these values, which mirror the district’s Commitment to Excellence, Cooperative and Caring Relationships, Respect for Human Differences and to Community.

In addition to the core values of Wellesley Public Schools, the Schofield community is also defined by guiding principles of open honest communication, high expectations, relationships which are based upon trust and mutual respect, shared responsibility, and commitment to maintaining a warm, safe, supportive and nurturing environment. The Schofield community reflects each of these core values and guiding principles in a variety of ways.

At Schofield, staff, students and parents work together to create and maintain a positive and enriching environment for children to learn and grow. Family involvement and communications between home and school receive top priority. The Schofield community benefits in many ways from an active and supportive Schofield PTO. Some of these benefits include significant physical improvements. Other enhancements are ongoing throughout each year. For example, the Creative Arts Committee provides many wonderful events to enhance the curriculum, as well as a Science Residency across K-5.  Thank you to the PTO for your unwavering support.

The Schofield community is very proud of the student-centered and inclusive environment that exists, where each student is celebrated as an individual and challenged to learn and grow to meet their fullest potential.

I hope you will follow us on social media.  Twitter & Facebook links are below.

Jordan Hoffman
Principal, Schofield School