Schofield School

Go Hawks
Dear Schofield Families,
Theme Team Spirit Day was a highlight at Schofield this week. Thanks to 5S for this cool idea that gave each individual class an opportunity to choose their own theme and celebrate the other classes during a whole-school parade on Wednesday morning. There was so much joy!
Schofield Silent Auction
It’s almost here! The Schofield PTO Silent Auction is going LIVE this coming Monday, April 1st at 8AM. Visit 32Auctions to create an account and have a sneak peek of many of the incredible auction items that will be available to bid on or purchase!
Class Placement:
Each spring our staff works collaboratively to determine students’ placements for the ensuing school year. This is a major undertaking that we address carefully and thoughtfully. Our primary goal is to create balanced class communities that set all students up for success both academically and socially. We do not look to match students with specific teachers since that would not help us achieve our goal, and would make the process susceptible to staffing variables which are always vulnerable to change.
We give careful consideration to each student’s strengths and areas for growth. By this time of year, your child’s teacher knows a great deal about them. The teachers collaborate with their grade-level colleagues, specialists and related service staff to share information and build classes that reflect the heterogeneous mix and balance of abilities, talents, social-emotional needs and learning styles. Teacher names are assigned once balanced groups are created. As I am sure you can appreciate, it is an artful challenge, not a perfect science. Sometimes we can’t anticipate certain dynamics or the ways in which some students change from year to year as they mature. We will work very hard to position each child for the best possible school year.
We realize that on occasion, parents may have compelling information to share that may influence student placement. You are certainly welcome to share that information with me at by April 26, 2024. Please know that specific requests for teachers will not be honored or included in our placement process.
Remaining MCAS Dates: Next week’s dates are highlighted
Grade 3
Monday April 8 English Language Arts Session 1
Tuesday April 9 English Language Arts Session 2
Monday May 13 Math Session 1
Tuesday May 14 Math Session 2
Grade 4
Thursday April 4 English Language Arts Session 1
Friday April 5 English Language Arts Session 2
Monday May 6 Math Session 1
Tuesday May 7 Math Session 2
Grade 5
Monday April 29 Math Session 1
Tuesday April 30 Math Session 2
Thursday May 16 Science, Technology & Engineering Session 1
Friday May 17 Science, Technology & Engineering Session 2
Marathon Support
The Boston Marathon is coming up on Monday, April 15th and Ms. MacBlane, one of Schofield’s Teaching Assistants, is running this year! Please check out her fundraising site and consider supporting her efforts. I know she would appreciate extra loud cheers as she makes her way through Wellesley too! Let the wind be at your back, Ms. MacBlane!
Upcoming Hawk Talk
Our next Hawk Talk is scheduled for Wednesday, April 3rd at 8:45AM in the Schofield Library. Topics for this next parent coffee include: student placement process, staffing process for the 2024-2025 school year, MCAS and any other topics you would like to discuss. All are welcome!
For those celebrating this weekend, Happy Easter!
Have a wonderful weekend.
- Schofield Scoop 3.22.24
- Schofield Scoop 4.5.24