Schofield School

Go Hawks
Dear Schofield Families,
I am sending this week’s Schofield Scoop a day early because I will be using a personal day tomorrow to attend an out-of-state family event. If you need anything on Friday, please reach out to Ms. Lueken in the main office. I have asked Principal McGreggor from Fiske Elementary School to swing by and be on call if needed as well.
Bingo for Books
Bingo for Books was a huge success on Wednesday evening! Thanks to our PTO for all of their planning and to all of the families who donated books. It was so heartwarming to see students race to the table to pick out books when they won. And it’s always great to see the Schofield Hawk at our school events!
Day of Imagineering is coming soon!
I am excited to share that Schofield’s Day of Imagineering is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8th! Be on the lookout for more information from Mx. Terentieva and our PTO as we will need many materials and many helpful hands. Start saving those recyclables!
School Committee’s Academic Calendar Task Force
I was recently selected to serve on the School Committee’s Academic Calendar Task Force which is charged with making recommendations regarding the observance of religious and cultural holidays within Wellesley Public Schools. I am looking forward to this incredibly important work and I am honored to be able to serve WPS in this capacity.
Staffing Update
A couple of weeks ago, I shared the district process for determining the placement of teachers with Non-Professional Status (teachers in their first three years in Wellesley) for the 2024-2025 school year. Due to the unusually high number of Elementary (student) Transfer Option requests this year, as a result of redistricting, elementary principals have been asked to pause this process until the enrollment section counts and any impact on staffing are determined. I hope to be able to share more with you by the middle of May. Thank you for your patience.
Our third graders wrapped up the English Language Arts MCAS this week and we are so proud of their efforts. The remaining MCAS dates (Math for grades 3-5 and Science, Technology and Engineering for grade 5) are listed below. Please reach out if you have questions.
Remaining MCAS Dates
Grade 3
Monday May 13 Math Session 1
Tuesday May 14 Math Session 2
Grade 4
Monday May 6 Math Session 1
Tuesday May 7 Math Session 2
Grade 5
Monday April 29 Math Session 1
Tuesday April 30 Math Session 2
Thursday May 16 Science, Technology & Engineering Session 1
Friday May 17 Science, Technology & Engineering Session 2
I hope that you all have a wonderful school vacation week. I look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday, April 22nd.
- Schofield Scoop 4.5.24
- Schofield Scoop 4.26.24