Schofield School

Go Hawks
Dear Schofield Families,
Early this week, 15 ducklings hatched in the Schofield courtyard! To say they were a distraction (for students and for staff) is an understatement. We loved watching them follow their mother around from behind the glass. However, we know that animals need to be in their natural habitats, so this morning several staff members assisted in herding the ducklings to the wetlands on the far side of Temple Beth Elohim. I am happy to share that they made it safely and went directly into the water. They will be missed!
Thank you, PTO!
“Bash the Trash” visited Schofield this week to teach students in grades K-5 about reducing and recycling. They provided a musical spin on recycling and engineering that was so engaging and really inspired students to create. We can’t wait for the Day of Imagineering next Wednesday, May 8th. Remember to save those cool recyclable items! Here are some videos of books being read aloud that may inspire your child even more:
What Do You Do with an Idea? By Kobi Yamada
Boxitects by Kim Smith
What to do with a Box by Jane Yolen
Not a Box by Antoinette Portis
This week, second graders also had the opportunity to work with poet Andrew Greene, who visited all three classes. Mr. Greene inspired students with his own poetry and then worked with them to create poems of their own. Thanks again to the PTO for providing our students with these enriching experiences.
Arrival and Breakfast
We have seen an increase in tardiness recently. It is important to drop your child off by 8:25 AM so that they can be ready to learn when the school day begins at 8:30 AM. Just a reminder that students having breakfast should enter through the front doors in the morning. Breakfast will be available to students until 8:35 AM.
Field Day
Schofield’s Field Day is scheduled for May 24th. We are seeking volunteers to help with the morning activities and will be sharing a Sign Up Genius soon. Stay tuned!
Remaining MCAS Dates
Grade 3
Monday May 13 Math Session 1
Tuesday May 14 Math Session 2
Grade 4
Monday May 6 Math Session 1
Tuesday May 7 Math Session 2
Grade 5
Thursday May 16 Science, Technology & Engineering Session 1
Friday May 17 Science, Technology & Engineering Session 2
I have a busy weekend ahead of watching softball and basketball games. However, tonight I will be attending Wellesley Theater Project’s produciton of Finding Nemo at Babson College to see many of our Schofield stars shine on stage. Break a leg, everyone!
- Schofield Scoop 4.26.24
- Schofield Scoop 5.10.24