Dear Sprague Community,
Halloween Parade and MAP
We will have our Halloween Parade on Oct. 31 at 8:45 AM. Please plan to meet classes outdoors. Note the attached map that includes locations where classes begin and end the parade.
Students may wear a costume or orange and black. If your child does not wish to participate in the parade, an alternate activity will be provided. As a reminder, scary costumes with violent themes (including scary clowns), toy weapons, and masks are not allowed for our parade.
Halloween Parade Route 2018.pdf
UNICEF flyer
Each student should have received a UNICEF box and flyer. Participation is voluntary and we will collect the boxes until Nov. 16th.
Parent conferences are a special time for parents and teachers to discuss student progress in a 1:1 environment. I am sure most of you already have times scheduled with your child’s teacher. Please be sure to be prompt for the appointment as others are scheduled after each one. Conferences take place on half days—Oct. 31, Nov. 6, and Nov. 7. Please note Nov. 6 is a TUESDAY early release with 12:00 dismissal.
Election Day
We will have a regular school day on Tuesday, Nov. 6th. All PE classes will be relocated due to voting in the gym. Since we have doorways that directly access the gym, we can keep the voters in the gym only.
Safe at School Booklet
The PTO’s at each school have purchased one safety booklet per family and one for each staff member. It is called, “Safe at School,” and has advice about ordinary safety practices as well as what to do in a crisis situation. There is also advice about relationship building and inclusion. We have labeled the booklets with names of the youngest member in each family. You should receive the booklet for your family on Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018.
Depending on the grade level, some classes may have a discussion about the content of the booklet. The big messages are:
- Schools should be safe and welcoming places to learn.
- Stay aware and if you see something that seems wrong, say something to an adult.
- We have safety drills so we know what to do in an emergency. Knowing what to do can help us stay calm.
- Treat others with respect. Try to be inclusive.
- If you are worried about something, tell someone.
- You can make a difference.
We thank the Sprague PTO for this helpful purchase.
DPW Roof Project
During the month of November, workers will be replacing the roof on the DPW building adjacent to the Sprague Fields. There will be some barriers so that cars and pedestrians are not at risk during the project. There should still be room to turn around and get into car line, but it may be more limited. Once it begins, the project is scheduled to take about 4 weeks. Extra caution and patience are advised and appreciated.
Nurse’s Notes:
HI Sprague Families,
I wanted to let you know I’ve already begun working on the required vision and hearing screenings and hope to complete all grades by next week. I will send home a written letter to you if I notice anything that requires follow up. The required height and weight screening for first and fourth grade will take place in January. For this, no letters are sent home, these values are for statistical purposes for the MA DPH. Postural screening for the 5th grade will take place in March. More information for postural screening will be provided towards the end of February.
Reminder to 4th grade families, please send in an updated physical for your student if you have not already done so.
Thank you!
Mrs Babicz
School Nurse
508-263-1969 x 2502
Fax 781-263-1963
Dates to remember:
Oct. 31: Halloween Parade –approx. start time is 8:45 AM
Oct. 31, Nov. 6, 7: Parent Conferences from 1-3 PM
Nov. 7: Walk to School Day
Nov. 8: Picture re-take day
Nov. 12: No school—Veteran’s Day
Nov. 14: WEF Spelling Bee at Sprague Gym (6PM)
Nov. 19: School Council meeting at 3:15 PM
Nov. 22, 23: Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 26: Professional Day for Teachers-no school for students