Dear Grade Two and Grade Three Families, Hello! You and your child(ren) are deeply missed. If available, please join me on Wednesday, April 29th at 6:30 pm for the Grade Two/Grade Three Principal Coffee. The agenda is attached here. Principal Coffee –… Continue reading Grade Two/Grade Three Principal Coffee August 29th
Principal Coffee – Kindergarten/Grade One Families
Dear Kindergarten/Grade One Families, Hello! You and your child(ren) are deeply missed. If available, please join me on Tuesday, April 28th at 6:30 pm for the Kindergarten/Grade One Principal Coffee. The agenda is attached here. Principal Coffee – Kindergarten_Grade One April 28,… Continue reading Principal Coffee – Kindergarten/Grade One Families
Grades K-2 Seesaw Learning Platform
Dear Sprague, For our Sprague families that celebrate Ramadan, wishing you all and your loved ones a happy and healthy holiday. Please enjoy the traditions of the holiday and the loved ones you celebrate with. Wellesley Public Schools (WPS) is… Continue reading Grades K-2 Seesaw Learning Platform
Grades 3-5 Google Classroom Learning Platform
Dear Sprague, For our Sprague families that celebrate Ramadan, wishing you all and your loved ones a happy and healthy holiday. Please enjoy the traditions of the holiday and the loved ones you celebrate with. Wellesley Public Schools (WPS) is… Continue reading Grades 3-5 Google Classroom Learning Platform
Update – April 21, 2020
Dear Sprague, Hello. Me again…. Me again here to remind you that it is acceptable to be shocked yet not surprised by today’s extended school closure. Me again here to remind you that it is human to feel disappointed but… Continue reading Update – April 21, 2020
Principal Coffees – Week of April 28th
Dear Sprague, Hello. You continue to be in my daily thoughts. After enjoying a long weekend that shifted your attention away from remote learning to something that allowed for fresh air, relaxation of some type, and time with your loved… Continue reading Principal Coffees – Week of April 28th
Updates April 16, 2020
Dear Sprague, Hello. You are loved and appreciated. As we round down another week of remote learning, on behalf of Sprague Elementary, I would like to send our deep gratitude. As we all wrestle with the challenges of remote learning and… Continue reading Updates April 16, 2020
Updates April 10, 2020
Dear Sprague, Hello. You all are missed and loved. On behalf of Sprague, I would like to wish you a happy holiday. Enjoy old traditions celebrated in a new way. Enjoy each other in whichever way that can happen. Remote… Continue reading Updates April 10, 2020
Updates April 7.2020
Dear Sprague, HELLO. You are missed and loved. From your Sprague family, to the hearts and homes of your loved ones, we share this heartfelt video reminding each that you are loved, deeply cared for, and thought of daily. With… Continue reading Updates April 7.2020
Hello – April 3, 2020 Update
Dear Sprague, Hello. You all are missed. As another week comes to a close, my heart grows bigger with love and respect for our Sprague family – students, parents, guardians, and educators. As a family, we are a team that… Continue reading Hello – April 3, 2020 Update