Dear Parents, I am writing with information about the student placement process for the 2019-2020 school year. Teams of teachers will work to create classes that are heterogeneous and as balanced as possible. Your child’s teacher will work with the other… Continue reading Parent Input Form and weekly note
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 23, 2019
Dear Sprague Community, I hope you all enjoyed the April vacation! With the Boston Bruins and the Boston Celtics all in playoff mode, we invite students to have a Boston Sports Spirit Day on Friday, April 26th. Wear gear from your favorite… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 23, 2019
Weekly Note from Ms. Snyder–April 9, 2019
Dear Sprague Community, Kudos to WEF for putting on an AMAZING “STEM Expo” over the weekend. I was in the Robot Zoo up in the gym and saw many Sprague students and families. Lost and Found Please check out the… Continue reading Weekly Note from Ms. Snyder–April 9, 2019
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 3, 2019
Dear Sprague Community—April 3, 2019 From the wear and tear on our doorbell, I’d say most parents had the chance to come talk with their child’s teacher for a Parent-Teacher conference. This is so important and we appreciate the time… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 3, 2019
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 26, 2019
Dear Sprague Community, It was so great to see so many families on Friday at our Open House. The students sounded great singing, “Count on Me.” I hope you got to see evidence of your child’s progress and also enjoyed… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 26, 2019
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 19, 2019
Dear Sprague Community, Open House Our Open House is THIS Friday (March 22)! We are looking forward to seeing parents any time between 8:00 and 9:30 AM. Please remember, students are the guides on this day. Your child will show… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 19, 2019
Weekly. note from Ms. Snyder–March 13, 2019
Dear Sprague Community, This week I am sending along information about 2 community service projects that Wellesley students are coordinating. They have asked each school to put out a collection box. We will be collecting gently used baseball equipment for… Continue reading Weekly. note from Ms. Snyder–March 13, 2019
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 5, 2019
Dear Sprague Community, We had great fun at the A-Catemy Awards on Friday. Many thanks to our Sprague Assembly Committee for their work in planning the event: Kristan Fiore, Genie Madden, Karen Lindquist, Christina Cooney, Taryn Drake, Sammy Gradwohl and… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 5, 2019
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–Feb. 26, 2019
Dear Sprague Community, Enrichment Offerings at Sprague I am resending the offering in PDF format. I am sorry for any inconvenience with the previous attachment. Spring Enrichment Class offerings are attached. The registration is through the Recreation Dept. and begins… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–Feb. 26, 2019
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–Feb. 13, 2019
Dear Sprague Community, It is a busy week with Valentine’s Day! Students just love to give and receive those cute Valentine cards. It is a fun time to be friendly and recognize one another with cards and kindness. We have… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–Feb. 13, 2019