Dear Sprague Community, The weatherman says it will be in the 80’s tomorrow. I think the good weather is finally here to stay! As Wellesley warms up, we begin the wrap up the school year and plan for the summer… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–May 24, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–May 17, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, Some parents have asked about Mr. Hagar-McKee and I had been reluctant to share any personal health information. I asked him to write a note to our students with information he wanted to share with children, as… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–May 17, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–May 10, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, Everyone seems to have the spring back in their step with the improvement in the weather this week! Eight days in a row with rain was just too much for all of us. Students are certainly glad… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–May 10, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–May 3, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! Our teachers work so hard each and every day of the school year. They have built wonderful relationships with our students and plan meaningful lessons to support and enhance learning. Please consider taking… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–May 3, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 26, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, It’s time for the annual Food Drive to benefit the Wellesley Food Pantry. Next week, our 5th graders will be collecting food items and keeping track of them for us. Look for 5th grade helpers in carline… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 26, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 12, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, I hope to see many of you at Sprague’s first Multicultural Night on Wednesday evening. We have about 15 families who have signed up to share information, customs, and traditions about their heritage countries. All Sprague families… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 12, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, I mistakenly sent the wrong dates for the Special Education Strategic Planning meetings in yesterday’s weekly note. Please see below for the correct information. Sorry for the inconvenience. Dear WPS Community Members, During the last eight months… Continue reading Correction
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 5, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, It is great to see so many parents in the building on the half days to meet with teachers. I know this is a valuable time for parents and teachers to touch base and share how children… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 5, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 29, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, Our older students (grades 3-5) are taking MCAS tests for reading and writing during the next two weeks. We always recommend that students get a good night’s sleep, eat a good breakfast, and bring a positive attitude.… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 29, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 22, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, I hope many of you will be able to come to hear Jessica Minahan speak tonight. She is knowledgeable and entertaining at the same time. Many thanks to our PTO for sponsoring this parent event. As we… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 22, 2016