Dear Upham Parents,

As we close this chapter in the book of our time together at Upham Elementary, I find myself filled with a deep sense of gratitude and fondness for the journey we’ve shared. Serving you, your families, and, most importantly, your wonderful children has been an incredible honor and privilege.

Each page in the Upham book is brimming with cherished memories and milestones. From the first day of school jitters to the joyful celebrations of accomplishments, we’ve written a story rich with learning, laughter, and love. As we turn the page and embark on new adventures, I want to remind you of three important things that will help guide you through the exciting transitions ahead:

  1. Stay True to Yourself:

 Never forget that you are unique. Embrace your individuality, pursue your passions, and let your authenticity shine brightly wherever you go. Your uniqueness is a precious gift that adds color and depth to your life story.

  1. Laugh and then…laugh more:

 Find laughter in everything you do. Although life can be really serious sometimes, find the funny part and laugh. For example, find a really bad “Mr. Dees” joke and laugh out loud! Others will laugh with you. Laughter is the ink that adds joy and resilience to our pages, making our stories richer and more enjoyable.

  1. The Most Important One:

Live by what John, Paul, George, and Ringo sang! They sang, “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” Show as much love to others as possible every minute of every day. Love is the binding thread that weaves our stories together, creating a tapestry of warmth and connection that endures through the years.

As I reflect on the chapters we’ve written together, I am reminded of the trust and support you have given me. I am profoundly grateful for this. I will always treasure the memories we have created, the lessons we have learned, and the love we have shared.

As we continue to write the next chapters of our lives, I wish you all the best. Remember to stay true to yourselves, laugh often, and love deeply. Thank you once again for being a part of this beautiful story. “Once an Eagle…Always an Eagle.”

Dare to Dream,

Mr. Dees


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