Welcome to Upham School!

Welcome to the Upham School! Guided by the school system’s core values of academic excellence, respect for human differences, caring and cooperative relationships, and commitment to community we strive to ensure a setting where all children experience success during their elementary school years. First, it is essential that all children feel welcomed and valued. Upham is also a place where important dispositions necessary for being lifelong learners are developed. These include the capacity to preserve, the willingness to take the risks that accompany the learning of new skills and concepts, being resilient, taking initiative, and having a sense of pride in one’s work.

Instructional activities are designed to develop a strong foundation of basic skills, including critical thinking skills. Academic expectations are high, yet sensitive to developmental differences among young children. Activities are varied and provide children with opportunities to learn in different ways; to learn through listening, seeing, discussing, and doing.

The effort to make sure that the core values are active and visible is illustrated through the rich variety of academic experiences. Values are supported, as well, through the assembly program, which provides leadership opportunities for students, serve as community builders, and enrich core curriculum experiences. The student council also provides fourth and fifth graders with leadership opportunities through the responsibilities they assume organizing and helping to carry out service projects. The projects are an important part of the effort to develop a sense of community among all members of the school community.

Active and supportive parents are an essential part of the school community. Their many contributions, along with those of a dedicated staff and a motivated group of young children, help to ensure that Upham is a school where all people feel welcome, and where each child is well prepared to move on to the next level of education.