Dear Upham Families,

As we approach Mother’s Day, a time to celebrate the incredible women in our lives, I reflect on a recent moment that reminded me of the profound power of human connection. I’d like to share this moment with you all.

Recently, I had the privilege of receiving a hug from Owen Rose. For those of you who know Owen, you understand that he possesses more energy than the sun itself. His exuberance is infectious, and his hugs are no exception. He called me over to his lunch table. You never know what to expect, and as I walked up to him…he stood up and gave me a huge hug! In that embrace, I felt a warmth that transcended mere physical touch. It was a reminder of the importance of human connection, particularly in a world where we often find ourselves rushing from one task to the next, sometimes forgetting to pause and embrace the simple joys of life.

Hugs, as simple as they may seem, carry immense significance. They can convey love, comfort, and understanding without words. In a single embrace, we can communicate more deeply than any conversation ever could. And on Mother’s Day, which is dedicated to honoring the women who have nurtured and supported us, hugs take on an even greater meaning.

For many of us, our mothers were the first to wrap us in their arms, providing us with a sense of security and belonging that has stayed with us throughout our lives. They have been our steadfast pillars of strength, offering comfort in times of need and celebrating our triumphs with unbridled joy. On this particular day, let us take a moment to express our gratitude to these remarkable women, whether they are with us in person or spirit.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us also remember that the power of a hug extends far beyond our immediate family. Hugs are a universal language that transcends barriers of language, culture, and distance. They remind us of our shared humanity and our innate need for connection with one another.

So, to the Upham Families, I urge you to take a moment today to share a hug with someone you love. Let them know they are seen, valued, and appreciated, whether it’s a family member, a friend, or even a stranger. And to all the mothers out there, thank you for your endless love, sacrifices, and hugs that have shaped us into the people we are today.

Important Dates

Friday, May 24, 8:45 AM – All-school assembly with Patriotic Sing-Along for Memorial Day; parents welcome

Monday, May 27 – Memorial Day, no school 

Monday, June 3, 8:45 AM – Band/Chorus Concert; parents welcome

Thursday, June 6, 2:00 PM – Upham Celebration – afternoon assembly + school party on the Upper Fields. Parents welcome. See below for more info!

Tuesday, June 11, 9:00 AM—5th Grade Moving On Ceremony, refreshments to follow. All are welcome!  

Wednesday, June 12 – Full day of school, 3:06 PM dismissal, Light’s Out Upham 5:00 PM 7:00 PM.

Thursday, June 13 – Last day of school, 11:55 AM 5th Grade Clap Out, 12:00PM dismissal 


Principal’s Message
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