Hello Upham Community,

Today you are going to be receiving your child’s first report card for SY19-20. As you may know, this is a new K-5 standards-based report card for the Wellesley Public Schools. This means it communicates student progress towards Massachusetts grade-level standards. We are excited to share this new Standards-Based Report Card (SBRC) as we believe it will provide you with specific and helpful information about your child’s progress to date. Below are two key points to keep in mind as you review the report card.

  • Student progress is assessed using performance indicators:

                  M = Meeting the standard consistently and independently.

                  P = Progressing towards meeting the standard.

                  B = Beginning to progress towards meeting the standard.

                  N = Not yet demonstrating progress towards

                   * = An asterisk indicates that this standard has not been assessed during this particular term. Some units of study are taught at different times of the year.

  •   Students are assessed using the end-of-the-year grade-level standards. Thus, you may likely see B’s and P’s on your child’s report card as they are making initial progress towards– but have not yet met– the end-of-year expectations. 

Additional information about the new SBRC can be found on the district’s website. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s report card please reach out to your child’s teacher or me.

2020 MCAS Test Schedule

Grade 3 ELA April 14/April 16- Grade 3 MATH May 11/May 12

Grade 4 ELA April 6/April 7- Grade 4 MATH May 7/May 8

Grade 5 ELA April 2/April 3- Grade 5 MATH May 4/May 5 Grade 5 Science/Tech May 14/May 15

Upcoming Dates for Redistricting Maps and Upham/Hardy Project

February 11 School Committee Hearing on Redistricting Maps

February 25 School Committee Votes on Upham/Hardy Redistricting Maps


As always, thank you so much for your support for Upham.

Dare to Dream,

Mr. Dees


Principal’s Message
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