We hope that you had a restful and relaxing summer. Here are some reminders and helpful information as you prepare for the new school year:
- It is very important that you update your Family/Emergency contact information online with PowerSchool and give permission for emergency medical treatment and transport if needed. It is essential we know how to reach you in case of a medical emergency.
- Many parents give permission for their child to receive acetaminophen or ibuprofen during the school day if needed. Please indicate your permission in PowerSchool.
Medication at School
- If your son/daughter uses an inhaler, Epipen, or takes a medication at school, please bring the medication along with a completed permission form to the nurse’s office on the first day of school.
- For any medication to be given at school, including inhalers, Epi-Pens and insulin both parent permission and a written doctor’s order must be on file in the nurse’s office.
- Parent and doctor permission forms may be downloaded from the High School Website under: Student Services- Nursing Services – Health Forms. The Medication Administration Policy can also be found in the same location on the website.
Additional Information
- The school nurses are available to help students with medical issues transition back to school. Please call the nurse’s office so that plans can be put in place prior to the beginning of school.
- The SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral for Treatment) program is a direct response to the opioid crisis and provides motivational interviewing for students in grade 10. This is a comprehensive, integrated, public health approach to prevent and/or delay substance use and early identification of the small percentage of students thought to be at risk for substance abuse.
- Recognizing the increasing rates of reported sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among the adolescent population, condoms are available to students through the Nurse’s Office only after the school nurse has met with the student and provided counseling and education. This change in practice comes after a lengthy review of data from the Metrowest Adolescent Health Survey, a thorough analysis of current health issues by the School Wellness Advisory Committee and a presentation before the school committee.
- More information about WHS nursing services can be found on the district website and also in the WHS student handbook.
Please contact us for any questions or concerns.
Shari Johnson – (781) 446-6305 Ext 4503
EMAIL: johnsons@wellesleyps.org
Pam Sheridan – (781) 446-6305 EXT 4611
EMAIL: sheridanp@wellesleyps.org
Health Office Fax – (781) 237-6004
Wellesley Public Schools – Nurses Page
August 2018