Matt Wassel

Phone: 781-446-6290 ;4810 Canvas Syllabus 1: Health Canvas Syllabus 2: Fitness Yoga Canvas Syllabus 3: Adventure Canvas Syllabus 4: Intro to Fitness


Matt has been a Fitness and Health teacher at Wellesley High School since 2002. He graduated from Walpole High School in 1991, and graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. In 2002, he earned a Master of Education degree from Cambridge College.

He has been the Wellesley Head Wrestling Coach from 2003 to the present, and the Wellesley Assistant Football Coach since 2002. Matt was a W.H.S. Class Advisor from 2003 until 2005, and a Wellesley Speed and Conditioning Clinic Co-Founder from 2003 until the present.

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