~Today is Monday October 18th. and it’s day 6 .

~Ms. Speeds period 1 class report to the cafeteria.

~Attention Matilda cast: There will be rehearsal today in the auditorium, even though Ms. Speed is out. If you were called to rehearsal today, please plan to attend. Thank you!

~For those students in grades 6, 7 and 8 interested in playing Girls Hockey this winter there will be a meeting today October 18th at 2:45 in Gym B.

~The 6th grade Haiku contest results are in! The ELA teachers would like to congratulate the Best Overall winners from each house. From House W: Jenna Adams. From House M: Kiera Dickhoven.  For House S: Claire Zhao and for House WMS: Evelyn Krug!  Congratulations to our winners!.

Lunch will be outside today!

Thank you everyone and enjoy your day!


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