~Today is Monday June 6, 2022 

~Day 3

Behavioral Reminders: 

#1 Stay focused by keeping your earbuds and phone in your backpack. 

#2 Walk to class and try not to crowd your friends.

#3 Keep your hands on your own body. We want everyone to feel safe at school. 

#4 Be helpful and clean up after yourself at lunch..

#5 Stay in class! Reminder to teachers if students need to leave class, only one student is allowed out at a time and they need a PASS.

A few 8th grade students will be hosting a lunch for 6th and 7th graders to talk about composting and food waste at WMS.  If you have any questions or are interested in exploring composting as a possibility in our school please sign up in the office to join them in Rm #330

Wednesday June 8th will be the last day for Intramurals.

Friday June 10th ….All Library Books are due back to the Library.

Please look at the Lost and Found.  All Jackets, sweatshirts, shirts, hats, gloves that are not claimed will be donated.

Have a Great Day Everyone!

Daily Announcements
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