Morning Announcements for Monday, December 4, 2017


Just a reminder: Wednesday is 1/2 day. Periods will run 1, 2, 3 & 4 due to department meetings. There will be no after school activities and all students must l

eave the school at the bell.


Tables in the cafeteria are still piled high with your lost items – please take a moment a lunch to check through the items to see if any belong to you. 

The remaining items will be donated to a local charity after tomorrow.

ELF, Jr.

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Elf, Jr!  The show was fantastic and you should all be very proud!!!  ​


* WMS Wrestling meeting will be held today, December 4th at 2:45 p.m.

*Boy’s basketball tryouts will also take place today in Gym A beginning at 3:15 p.m.

* Here’s your chance to choose the activities you would like to do with your friends.  GIRLS ONLY!  Activities might include: basketball, badminton, ping pong or double-dutch. As well as other activities of your choice.  Girls Open Gym will start on Tuesday in Gym A. Open to all grades.


Fusion Crew team meeting in room 204

Open Gym = Gym B and the Fitness Center is open

Daily Announcements