~Today is Thursday, October 19, 2023, Day 4

~Block rotation: A, B, C, Advisory, D, E, F, G

~Lunch: 6, 7, 8

8th Grade Students: Counselors will be doing a lesson today during Science classes. Please check signs outside of the Science classrooms which instruct you where to go.

There will be a Faculty Meeting after school today. All students must plan to leave the building immediately at the 2:29 dismissal bell. There will be no late buses or afternoon activities in the building.

There will be no METCO tutoring after school today. All students will go home at 2:30. Tutoring will resume next Thursday, October 26th.

The library will be closed after school today.

Attention Math Team members: If you are attending the math meet today after school, you can report to Mr. Bogage’s Room, 228 after school. You will leave as soon as the bus arrives. 

Attention Cross Country Team members: there will be an outdoor practice at 3:00 today, but you must leave the building at dismissal.​​​​​​​

Have a good day everyone!

Daily Announcements
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