~Today is Friday, December 22, 2023, Day 3

~Block rotation:  C, A, B, Advisory, D, G, E, F

~Lunch: 6, 8, 7

The Grade 6 & 7 Winter Concert will take place this afternoon. 6th & 7th grade teachers should bring their students to the Auditorium at 1:22 and sit in your assigned section. Please note there will be no announcement reminder at that time. At the conclusion of the concert students will return to their Block E class to get their belongings and remain there until dismissal at 2:29. Please reference this week’s newsletter to clarify any details.

Please make sure all loaner iPads, borrowed earlier this week are returned to the Tech Deck this morning. Please also note that no loaners will be handed out today. 

Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be celebrating over break? December 25th is the Christian holiday of Christmas. December 26th begins the seven-day African-American celebration of Kwanzaa. Christmas is both a religious and cultural holiday. In Christianity, Christmas celebrates the traditional day of the birth of Jesus. Many people exchange gifts with friends and family. These days even people who are not Christian may celebrate Christmas, and it is also a public holiday in the U.S.  Kwanzaa is an African-American celebration of life celebrated from December 26th to January 1st. Kwanzaa was introduced to the U.S. in 1966 as a way for African-Americans to celebrate communities, as well as African and African-American culture. Kwanzaa celebrates Seven Principles to introduce and reaffirm values and practices which strengthen and celebrate family, community, and culture. There are students at WMS who will be observing these holidays. We wish all people at WMS observing these holidays Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanzaa!

Have a good day everyone!

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