~Today is Monday, February 12, 2024, Day 2

~Block rotation: B, C, A, Advisory, D, F, G, E

~Lunch: 6, 8, 7​​​​​​​

Welcome to week 2 of our Black History Month trivia.

Our trivia winner from last week is Reese Buhler in Advisory 216. Please come to the main office to claim your prize.

Today’s trivia question is: Which state has the most Black Americans living in it? If you think you know the answer, come down to the main office to submit your entry. Tomorrow, we will reveal the answer and ask a new question. Winners will be drawn at the end of the week.

Songlab is postponed from today after school to another day to be announced. 

The Beading Club will be postponed from tomorrow after school to another date to be announced.

The DEI Council will be meeting this Wednesday, February 14th in Mr. Goldman’s room, Room 101 from 2:30-3:30 to vote on the winner for the Student Artwork Poster Competition! Artists, please bring your submissions with you to the meeting or email them to Mr. Goldman before Wednesday’s meeting. We appreciate all of your wonderful submissions and the hard work you have put into your designs.

The date for the WMS Lunar New Year’s celebration event planned for tomorrow is still being determined and potentially moved to Wednesday, February 14th. We will communicate a date once determined.  

Please mark your calendars for the WMS PTO Valen’dine fundraiser  on Wednesday, February 14th at Oath Pizza in Linden Square. A portion of the proceeds will go to our WMS PTO school fund by ordering pizza take-out on Valentine’s Day and mentioning that you are part of the WMS community.

Have a good day everyone!

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