Hello Hardy Parents:

It has been a pleasure seeing so many families attending our assemblies, winter concert and other classroom based activities. It is always special when our students can share their interests and talents.

I look forward to our return from break on Tuesday, January 3rd to hear about the many books our students have read. It is such a deligh to see and feel the love our students have for reading.

I want to thank the parents for providing each member of the Hardy staff with a Hardy mug. We all love them and love the ongoing generosity you show us throughout the year. This includes seeing the wide smiles and bright eyes of excitement from our students as they enjoy and learn from the assemblies and classroom based educational experiences you bring to us through the cultural arts committee.

Please know that my door is always open if you ever have any questions, concerns, comments or compliments to share with me.

Just a reminder that students should not be on school grounds prior to 8:15am. We do not have anyone on duty at that time.

Have a wonderful break,


Hello Hardy
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