Dear parents, We had a great turnout last Tuesday night at the PTO meeting where we discussed school safety. As a school we continue to focus on providing a safe and nurturing learning environment for our students and staff. For… Continue reading Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy Families: Across the district, Wellesley Public Schools are including social emotional development as an ongoing priority. At Hardy, the teachers, Lisa Goodman our school psychologist and the Hardy Open Circle Committee have been busy supporting social emotional development… Continue reading Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy Families: Believe it or not it is MCAS time. This year our students will be taking what is being called the next generation MCAS or MCAS 2.0. It has questions from both MCAS and PARCC. Over the next… Continue reading Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Parents: It has been a pleasure seeing so many families attending our assemblies, winter concert and other classroom based activities. It is always special when our students can share their interests and talents. I look forward to our… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy families: I have attended two presentations by Dr. Englander and she is amazing. I am going to attend and I encourage you to attend as well. Cyberbullying Presentation at the WMS On Thursday, December 15, 2016 from 7:00… Continue reading Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy Families: Just a reminder that Lisa Goodman and I will be holding a parent book group on Wednesday December 7th from 6:30-7:30pm to discuss the book, The BigDisconnect, Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age by… Continue reading Hello Hardy Families
Reminder from the School Nurse

Students receiving antibiotics for a contagious condition such as strep throat must stay out of school until 24 hours of antibiotic therapy has been completed. Excessive coughing and nasal discharge and generally not feeling well are indications that the child… Continue reading Reminder from the School Nurse
Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy Families: Parent Book Group: Please join Lisa Goodman and me for our first parent book group of the year. We will be meeting Wednesday, December 7th from 6:30-7:30 in my office to discuss the book, The Big Disconnect,… Continue reading Hello Hardy Families
Wear it Pink Day Friday, Oct. 21
To all Hardy families Friday Oct. 21 is National Wear it Pink Day for breast cancer awareness. Fifth graders Sophia Weene and Caleigh Renzella thought it would be a great idea if Hardy joined in and everyone wore pink or… Continue reading Wear it Pink Day Friday, Oct. 21
Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy Families The Day of Play: Hardy will participate in The Day of Play on Wednesday, October 19th from 9-11:45. The Day of Play provides student with opportunities to engage in creative, collaborative, hands-on activities and projects. As they… Continue reading Hello Hardy Families